# 285 31 y/o Mini C tuck for belly protrusion and C incision of the lower abdomen
31 y/o with mini abdominoplasty with circumferential lipo sculpting and butt enhancement with breast augmentation . 300 cc breast implants were used . Body sculpting surgery performed by Dr Marvin Shienbaum at Brandon Plastic Surgery
33 y/o mini tummy tuck with hourglass circumferential lipo sculpting of waist & flanks
49 y/o Mini Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of excess upper abdominal and flank fat . Lipo sculpting achieved a hourglass body shape. with enhanced definition
Mini Tummy Tuck + 360 Hi Def Lipo Contouring + Butt Sculpting Enhancement
Hourglass Mini Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo Sculpting + Brazilian Butt Enhancement
# 115 38 y/o mini tummy tuck for belly rolls and “muffin top” abdominal excess
26 y/o with excess belly fat and protrusion treated with mini tummy tuck & lipo sculpture procedure.
40 y/o Min Tummy Tuck for excess lower abdominal overhanging skin from a C-section scar. 360 degree Liposculpture provides a flatter tighter abdomen .
41 y/o with excess fullness in her abdominal area. . Mini abdominoplasty with 360 degree liposuction was performed with narrowing of the flanks and hips. Patient has a new body silhouette .
# 49 Mini Tummy tuck for overhanging fat and belly pouch from C section incision
Hourglass Mini Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo Sculpting + Brazilian Butt Enhancement
61 y/o Arm Lift Brachioplasty procedure for sagging arms Lakeland Winter Haven FL
32 y/o high definition arm lift with liposuction and ArmTite radio frequency skin tightening
30 y/o Ultra High Definition Arm Liposuction with Arm Tite scar less skin tightening for a sleek muscular look
38 y/o ScarLess Arm Reduction with ArmTite radio frequency fat reduction and skin tightening for enhanced muscular definition
44 y/o BodyTite scar less contoured arm reduction via a minimally invasive technique
42 y/o arm reduction with minimally invasive scar less BodyTite radio frequency technique
36 y/o ArmTite arm reduction and skin tightening with minimally invasive virtually scar less RF energy
34 y/o Arm Lift with High Def Lipo and BodyTite skin tightening for loose flabby arms
Sculpted and contoured High Def Arm Lift for minimally invasive muscular enhancement and skin tightening
32 y/o ultra high def artistic arm sculpting and contouring with ArmTite radio frequency scar less arm lift technique
32 y/o with High definition arm liposuction for sculpted artistic celebrity like arms
45 y/o Thigh Lift treatment of saddle bag protuberance and upper leg fullness .
36 y/o scar less Thigh Lift with reduction and contouring of upper leg fullness
35 y/o scar less thigh reduction and upper leg lift with cellulite improvement
25 y/o Thigh Lift with elimination of lateral “Saddle Bag” deformity thigh sculpting
31 y/o back liposuction for multiple back bra rolls and excess back fat
38 y/o back liposuction with removal of excess back fat and back rolls
35 y/o back fat liposuction for redundant back bra rolls with butt lift
47 y/o Back Liposuction with removal bra , back and flank rolls as a result of excess back fat
45 y/o Back Liposuction waist reduction with lipo of back rolls and flank fat
48 y/o back liposuction for redundant fat back rolls and loose skin folds
58 y/o Back liposuction for waist narrowing and removal of back. bra , and flank rolls
50 y/o Back liposuction for posterior bra and back rolls and waist cinching
50 y/o Back Liposuction for flank rolls caused by excess back and hip fat
47 y/o Back Liposuction with waist slimming , butt lift enhancement and removal of back rolls
46 y/o Back liposuction for hip rolls , muffin top and excess waist fat deposits
52 y/o BodyTite male breast reduction and body sculpting combining Vaser ultrasonic technique and radiofrequency assisted skin contouring
40 y/o BodyTite Tummy Tuck revision with waist and flank contouring and skin radiofrequency tightening
45 y/o Male high definition total body sculpting with Vaser assisted ultrasonic liposuction and BodyTite radiofrequency skin tightening
33 y/o Male body contouring combing Vaser ultrasonic liposculpture with BodyTite radiofrequency skin tightening.
42 y/o Mommy Makeover with silicone breast augmentation and body sculpting with BodyTite radiofrequency technique.
61 y/o Sarasota abdominal BodyTite skin tightening for excess belly fat and skin laxity.
32 y/o Mommy Makeover incorporating BodyTite Radiofrequency abdominal skin tightening with periaraeolar silicone breast augmentation
36 y/o Lakeland BodyTite radiofrequency sculpting of waist, love handles. flanks and torso
43 y/o Tampa BodyTight male body contouring abdominal etching incorporating Vaser ultrasonic liposculpture
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Butt Enhancement with Natural Micro Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Micro Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Micro Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Contouring
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
41 y/o Liposuction of prior Tummy Tuck using Vaser Lipo Sculpture to define body contours and shape
59 y/o Liposuction with contouring of waist flanks and hips and fat transfer for facial rejuvenation
38 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Vaser Liposuction removal of abdomial thigh and back fat with natural fat butt lift transfer Note the degree of muscular outline and defintion achieved in the upper body torso
56 y/o Liposuction with Vaser Lipo sculpture waist hips thighs knees. Note the overall narrowing achieved across the entire midsection .
29 y/o Liposuction Vaser Lipo sculpture with muscle defining waist, flank and back contouring
53 y/o Liposuction Vaser Lipo sculpture and contouring of entire torso including waist
32 y/o Body contouring Liposuction with removal of abdominal tire, hip rolls and saddlebags for a more appealing and slender profile
51 y/o fat removal and body sculpting with Liposuction to achieve a slimmer waist and more enticing appearance.
37 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Vaser Liposuction assisted fat removal to expose the underlying muscular definition and natural body contours.
40 y/o Lipo abdominoplasty liposuction with Vaser ultrasonic sculpting fat removal and BBL enhancement
29 y/o Liposuction with extensive body sculpting of the abdominals hips flanks and thighs to provide a narrowed muscular waistline.
42 y/o Lipo Abdomioplasty Vaser Lipo sculpture and BBL to give a complete circumferential body makeover
37 y/o Liposuction with elimination of hip and back rolls, abdominal protuberance and thigh excess
35 y/o body contouring Liposuction Vaser ultrasonic fat removal of approximately 700 cc to produce a defined waist contour.
29 y/o who presented for body contouring evaluation and treated with Liposuction creating a distinctive hourglass shape.
41 y/o Liposuction with Vaser ultrasonic assistance for removal of excess from abdomen , flanks, hips, and upper torso
43 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction high definition for hourglass appearance and sleek abdominals
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Micro Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Hourglass Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
36 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty with ultrasonic Vaser Liposuction . waist cinching and BBL
61 y/o Liposuction Vaser Lipo sculpting of protuberant abdomen , hip rolls and flanks to achieve a new and sexy body silohouttee .
39 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Lift to achieve a curvaceous and distinctive body silhouette.
39 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction Ultrasonic Vaser modality with Brazilian Butt Lift enhancement of gluteal region
38 y/o with excessive waist, back and flank rolls unresponsive to diet treated by Lipo AbdominoplastyLiposuction sculpting of entire torso .
37 y/o Liposuctionusing Vaser ultrasound lipo sculpting to achieve a more youthful and contoured muscular body image .
44 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty with high definition Liposuction to sculpt a sleeker tighter waistline and more pleasing body contours.
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
51 y/o with complaints of mid riff fat bulge and distension corrected with Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction Vaser ultrasonic assisted technique .
29 y/o with belly distension and excess adiposity corrected with Lipo Abdominoplasty in Liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift fat transfer for a complete body transformation
52 y/o with abdominal distension and fat excess treated with Lipo Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck with ultrasonic Liposuction removal of protruding adiposity
39 y/o Liposuction Vaser assisted with ultrasonic cavitation and muscular sculpting .
39 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction high definition muscular contouring to achieve a an eye catching hourglass figure.
37 y/o Liposuction Vaser Ultrasonic assisted Lipo sculpture and Butt enhancement
47 y/o Liposuction BBL fat transfer to enhance the hourglass contour and the muscualr outline of the deriere for a more dramatic and appealing profile.
30 y/o with hanging abdominal panniculus and protusion due to diastasis corrected with Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction . Note tightening of waistline and contouring to visulaze upper torso musculuture.
49 y/o with abdominal laxity and prottusion treated with Tummy Tuck and circumferential Vaser Liposuction . The result is a sexy new hourglass figure with a tight flat midsection and sculpted body torso .
30 y/o Momy Makeover Vaser Liposuction abdominal contouring and silicone implant breast augmentation complete her new enticing look .
32 y/o Mommy Makeover Liposuction with Breast Augmentation and Brazilian Butt Lift for a total body rejuvenation
46 y/o with excess belly fat and midsection bulge who underwent Tummy Tuck Vaser Liposuction to achieve enhanced muscular definition and sculpted abdominals.
61 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction circumferential to achieve a more youthful and sleeker profile without the annoying muffin top appearance.
39 y/o Liposuction Vaser Ultrasonic Lipo sculpture to produce a narrowed waistline and pronounced butt cheek contours.
35 y/o with full athletic body build who achieved a slimmer sexier body contour with Vaser ultrasonic assisted Liposuction
43 y/o Tummy Tuck Liposuction revision of prior abdominal procedure to highlight the natural body contours
31 y/o Lipo Abdominoplasty Liposuction contouring of entire waistline , and flanks to achieve a dramatic body transformation
38 y/o Liposuction Vaser lipo sculpting of waist ,thighs, hips, flanks and back for a sleeker more youthful appearance . By narrowing the waist circumferentially the derriere is enhanced.
51 y/o Vaser Liposuction with natural breast enhnacement and body high definintion muscualr contouring . The creation of narrow tight waistline emphasises the natural curves of the hips and thighs,
23 y/o Liposuction with Vaser ultrasonic assisted Liposculpture and Brazilian Butt lift enhancement resulting in a strikingly sleek and tight body contour.
25 y/o Liposuction Body Makeover with Breast enhancement and Brazilian Butt Lift for a totally slimmer and curvaceous body.
38 y/o Riverview Brazilian Butt Lift with cellulite smoothing and waist contouring
41 yo Lipo Abdominoplasty 360 Lipo Sculpting of entire torso with Brazilian Butt Lift to achieve a provocative and sexy hourglass body image .
37 y/o hourglass Lipo Abdominoplasty Vaser Liposuction sculpting and butt enhancement
27 y/o Liposuction Vaser 360 degree lipo sculpture and BBL for a sexy and enticing body silhouette.
33 y/o Liposuction with Vaser ultrasonic high definition technique to Lipo sculpt and define the body torso and derriere .
25 y/o Lakeland Brazilian butt lift for enhancement of a flat, sagging buttock contour
45 y/o Tampa Bay Brazilian Butt Lift with Vaser Lipo sculpture of offending lipodystrophy and 950 cc of fat transfer to the derriere.
Hourglass Brazilian Butt Lift + 360 Lipo Sculpting and Body Contouring
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
30 y/o South Tampa Brazilian Butt Lift with Vaser contouring and cellulite effacement
30 y/o New Tampa Brazilian Butt Lift with waist and lower back contouring and cellulite smoothing with a fat mobilization and micro fat transfer technique.
41 y/o Wesley Chapel Brazilian Butt Lift with Vaser Lipo sculpting of flanks and back rolls
22 y/o Tampa Bay Brazilian Butt Lift with extensive and defining Vaser lipo sculpting of entire waist and torso
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
25 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift, in a slender torso with minimal fat availability
27 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Lakeland with 750 cc fat cheek enhancement and thigh contouring
43 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with 800 cc of fat transfer for a more rounded provocative derriere
35 y/o Plant City Brazilian Butt Lift with enhanced Gluteal muscle definition
29 y/o Brazilian Butt Augmentation Zephyrhills Dade City with cellulite reduction and waist , back and thigh Lipo sculpting
47 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with 700 cc fat transfer and elimination of excessive saddle bags, hip rolls and muffin top fat by ultra-sonic assisted Liposuction.
BBL Butt Enhancement with Natural Micro Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo Sculpting
25 y/o East Tampa Brazilian Butt Lift with muffin top removal and 400cc of fat butt augmentation
25 y/o Brazilain Butt Lift with 500 cc fat transfer and waist . knees, thighs and flank Lipo sculpting.
37 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Lakeland, Fla., with lipo sculpting of the waist, flanks and hips
33 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with contouring of back and flank rolls combined with an Hourglass Tummy Tuck
33 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with lipo sculpting of wasit thighs flanks and hips.
27 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with removal of excessive back and flank rolls with ultrasonic Vaser Lipo sculpture .
39 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Bartow Mulberry with smoothing of cellulite and contour irregularities and Lipo sculpture of surrounding waist ,thigh, hip , flank and back fat .
33 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Orlando with high definition Vaser muscle sculpting
48 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Bartow with 650cc of fat transfer per buttock cheek
39 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Zephyrhills Dade City with Gluteal muscle & buttock cheek enhancement
34 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Bloomingdale Fishhawk with 350cc Fat transfer to buttocks
53 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with Vaser ultrasonic sculpting and transfer of 700 cc of fat to butt cheeks.
44 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Ruskin Apollo Beach with waist lipo sculpture
43 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Lake Wales with Lipo sculpture of offending back rolls , flanks and waist for a rejuvenated curvy silhouette .
23 y/o Riverview Brazilian Butt Lift with flank and waist lipo contouring
34 y/o New Tampa Brazilian Butt Lift with 700 cc of fat transfer to buttock cheeks . Liposuction of flanks back waist thighs and knees provides a sculpted body transformation
Brazilian Butt Lift Enhancement with Natural Micro Fat Augmentation + 360 Lipo
40 y/o Tampa Mommy Makeover and Brazilian Butt lift with silicone Breast Augmentation
39 y/o West Chase Tampa Brazilian Butt Lift with removal of thigh saddle bags and back rolls
25 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Plant City showing improvement attained with limited fat availability .
44 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Tampa Bay with Lipo Abdominoplasty style Tummy Tuck
40 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift with 650 cc fat transfer to buttock cheeks and simultaneous removal of hip rolls , muffin top , and back fat
39 y/o Butt Lift showing heightened definition of the buttock cheeks achieved with Vaser Lipo sculpture
33 y/o Brazilain Butt Lift with simultaneous Hourglass Tummy Tuck resulting in a narrowed waistline and a sleek , sexy enhanced derriere .
41 y/o Tampa Bay Brazilian Butt Lift performed with a Hour Glass Tummy Tuck .
33 y/o Butt Lift Winter Haven with Lipo Sculpting of misplaced fatty lipodystrophy with transfer to the derriere
26 y/o Butt Lift. with Lipo sculpture of flanks , hip back, waist, and thighs to create a curvy sexy silhouette .
42 y/o Brazilian Butt Lift Wesley Chapel with 360 Hourglass Tummy Tuck and Lipo sculpture of back rolls , hips ,thighs and flanks . Waistline narrowed by corset tightening resutling in a curvacious and provocative body contour
Hourglass Tummy Tuck with Hi Def 360 Lipo and BBL Note narrow ” snatched” waist , defined abdominal muscular and enhanced derriere
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Ultra High Definition & Etched Contour
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL with corset type diastasis repair for protuberant abdomen
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL with Low Tummy Tuck incision for removal of unsightly stretch marks
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL For a sexy 360 Hourglass Figure
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL 360 body sculpting & contouring
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Vaser Lipo with tight “snatched” abdomen for a sculpted sexy silhouette
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement Tight Snatched Hourglass Silhouette
With umbilical hernia and diastasis recti repair Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Snatched tight waist with sculpted torso and enhanced buttocks Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Snatched waist with a sculpted body silhouette Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Waist “snatched ” with Evolve Rf skin tightening
Weight Loss body contouring and shaping Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Hi=Def musculature with Evolve RF skin tightening
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo Flat tight muscular and narrow waistline
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Three dimensional Hourglass shape
Hi-Def Lipo Sculpting with BBL fat transfer Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Naturally Contoured & Shapely Body Silhouette
narrowed tight waist with contoured abs , flanks and enhanced derrière Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement Hi Def Etched Abs and Hourglass Figure
44 y/o Hourglass Tummy Tuck with 360 Liposuction with BBL and Hi-Def body sculpting
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement BodyTite Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Hi Def abdominal etching provides muscular Abs and sleek contoured waist
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL BodyTite RF Muscle Skin Tightening
Vaser 360 Lipo body sculpting with defined buttocks Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement BBL
narrowed waist + contoured hips + enhanced butt Tummy Tuck + 360 Vaser Lipo + BBL
Hourglass Tummy Tuck with 360 Lipo and enhancement BBL Sculpted sexy profile viewed from any angle
Lipo Sculpted waist with Vaser contoured hips , thighs and flanks Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo +BBL defined , sculpted and muscular abdominals
With High Definition Ab sculpting and body contouring Tummy Tuck + 360 LIpo + Brazilian Butt Lift
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Waist contouring with Vaser Lipo and Evolve RF
waist snatching with corset repair of protuberant abdominal diastasis Tummy Tuck + 360 Liposuction + Butt Enhancement
Waist tightening with corset repair of abdominal diastasis Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Contoured muscular abdominals and sculpted torso Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Snatched waist + sculpted thighs and hips Tummy Tuck – 360 Lipo- BBL
High Definition body sculpting for athletic sexy look Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement
Peri umbilical hernia repair with abdominal diastasis corset tightening. Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
Corset abdominal tightening with Liposuction of waist , flanks and hips Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement
41 y/o Hourglass Tummy Tuck with 360 Vaser Lipo and Brazilian gluteal fat transfer
Waist cinching with corset abdominal tightening and Lipo sculpting Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + Butt Enhancement
Contoured hips and sculpted derrière with snatched tight abdomen and no stretch marks Tummy Tuck with 360 Lipo and Brazilian Butt Lift
Hourglass Tummy tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL Lipo Sculpting with BodyTite Rf Skin Tightening
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL BodyTite Rf Muscle Definition
Hourglass Tummy Tuck with 360 Lipo and Brazilian Butt Lift for a dramatic sculpted torso from any angle
Hourglass Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL + BodyTite RF skin tightening
46 y/o Hourglass Tummy Tuck with 360 circumferential Lipo and posterior contouring
Sculpted and contoured waist ,flanks , hips, with enhanced buttocks . Tummy Tuck + 360 Lipo + BBL
39 y/o Hourglass Tummy Tuck with Vaser 360 Lipo and Brazilian Butt Enhancement to create a snatched tight waistline , gorgeous torso and a sexy silhouette