Learn More About Breast Implant Revision & Replacement Surgery
The most common reasons for breast implant revisions include:
The objectives are usually two-fold: to update the implant material as well as to refine the breast appearance. The type of revision required may vary considerably depending on the nature of the deformity. Ultimately the surgical plan developed at Brandon Plastic Surgery will reflect your specific desires and goals.
Brandon Plastic Surgery is located 51 Minutes from Lakeland, 35 minutes from Wesley Chapel and one hour from Winter Haven.
You should be well informed and have researched breast implant revision procedures and before and after photos. In addition, you should be:
The Surgical Fee of a Breast implant Redo will vary anywhere from $1000 to $10,000 dollars and above depending upon the complexity of the required revision.
It is important that you choose an accomplished and qualified surgeon, one whose insight and years of experience will guide you appropriately. Ask to see actual before -and -after -photos and if your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. During your consultation Dr. Shienbaum will carefully review your prior surgery, evaluate your medical condition and suitability for surgery, discuss your treatment options and develop a treatment plan in accordance with your personal needs and desires. He will inform you of your anticipated recovery time and when you can resume your normal activities. To find Brandon Plastic Surgery, our office is 48 minutes from Bradenton, 15 minutes from Riverview and 18 minutes from Tampa.
Offers a Lifetime Product Replacement Policy for their saline (saltwater) implant deflations or their MemoryGel silicone implants leakage or rupture.
Offers free Lifetime Replacement for ruptured implants and out of pocket assistance of up to $ 3500 dollars for 10 years. For Capsular contracture Baker Grade III/V 10-year replacement for both affected and contralateral implants and up to 2,000 dollar financial assistance (up to 2 years).
Offers Lifetime free implant replacement. 20-year free implant replacement and associated cost coverage for grade four capsular contracture, late forming seroma, or double capsule.