Neck Lift

Neck Lifts By One of the Leading TAMPA Surgeons

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Tighten & Refresh!

Frequently, the first area of the face to show signs of aging is the neck. Loose skin begins to accumulate there and gives you the look of waddle neck! Depending on the amount of loose skin in the neck area, Dr. Shienbaum may be able to perform a neck lift to tighten the skin. A small incision is made just under your chin. Any excess fatty tissue is suctioned out, and the loose skin is pulled tight, trimmed, and sutured. There is very little discomfort or recovery. This procedure is often done when a patient is first noticing that gravity has taken its toll, and we are able to postpone a full facelift for a few years.


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How do I prepare for a neck lift?

In preparing for neck lift surgery, you may be asked to: Get lab testing or a medical evaluation Take certain medications or adjust your current medications

How long does it take to recover from a neck lift?

Recovery time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Typically, patients return to daily activities, including a return to work, within 2 weeks after surgery. Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, and know that bruising and swelling are normal.

What is a liquid facelift?

A liquid facelift is a nonsurgical procedure that restores facial volume, reduces wrinkles, and rejuvenates the face.

What is a neck lift?

A neck lift creates a more defined jawline and slimmer, smoother-looking neck. This surgical procedure lifts and smoothes sagging skin, removes excess fat, and tightens the platysma muscle, eliminating issues like a double chin, horizontal banding, wrinkling, and “ turkey neck ,” to give your entire neckline a more youthful appearance.

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