Learn More About Liquid Facelifts
Liquid Facelift with Facial Fat transfer has been extensively performed for years at Brandon Plastic Surgery. Often referred to as Facial Lipofilling or Autologous Fat Grafting, it is an excellent modality for restoring volume and a fuller appearance to an otherwise hollow and deflated face. It is now well established that the predominant reason a woman’s face ages are one of essential volume loss.
We have successfully utilized Fat transfer to restore volume and rejuvenate virtually every area of the face including sunken cheeks hollow temples, drooping brows, recessed eyes, thinning lips, and general facial collapse. Fat injection remains an effective technique for treating nasolabial folds and marionette lines leveling the pre-jowl sulcus, concealing eye bags, reversing tear troughs, smoothing nasal irregularities, accentuating cheekbones, and elevating depressed congenital, traumatic or surgical defects, It has also proven beneficial in aging hand rejuvenation as well as virtually any facial area suffering from aging, volume loss, and skin laxity.
Facial Fat Transfer is most commonly performed in combination with other procedures involving liposuction. The fat is typically harvested during a TUMMY TUCK, MOMMY MAKEOVER, Arm Lift, or any form of body contouring procedure. Fat grafting has become an essential part of the modern-day FACELIFT procedure particularly for areas of severe facial collapse and deflation.
Fat is injected with specially engineered blunt tip cannulas which are designed to limit bruising, discomfort and swelling. Nanofat & Microfat is preferred in thin areas such as the lips, eyelids, superficial skin creases in order to minimize irregularities. Enhancers such as stem cell-rich PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) & PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) can be added for an augmented result.
With proper technique, it is estimated that approximately 30-70 % of the fat is retained. The exact percentage varies among individuals and additional injections spaced over time may be required to achieve the desired effect. Long term improvements of the overlying skin complexion and texture and have been noted and appreciated by many patients.
Traditional Fillers and Injectables such as Hyaluronic Acids (Juvéderm and Restylane) are now designed to restore volume but the number of vials required for complete facial restoration and rejuvenation may quickly become cost-prohibitive. Additionally, while these off the shelf injectables are naturally occurring substances occasional reactions and irritations can still occur.
Like all cosmetic procedures, candidates for liquid facelift should be generally healthy nonsmokers. In addition, you must have adequate fat deposits in other areas of the body. The best candidates experience