Learn More About Minimally Invasive Tummy Tuck Surgery
Having a tight, well-defined waistline is one of the most sought-after results in all of cosmetic plastic surgery. Both women and men alike are bothered by annoying upper abdominal belly rolls and perplexing lower stomach “kangaroo pouches.” At Brandon Plastic Surgery, we now have a technique for tightening those abdominal areas without the need for traditional abdominoplasty scars.
Even when combined with the frustrating lateral fullness of so-called abdominal “spare tires,” “muffin tops,” and “love handles,” the solution can now be achieved by a single procedure without the need for extensive scars, incisions, drains, or sutures. For years Dr. Shienbaum has successfully utilized the revolutionary RFAL (radiofrequency assisted lipolysis) BodyTite system in virtually every area of the body including the arms, legs, face, and torso.
Not everyone is a candidate for the Minimally Invasive Tummy Tuck procedure. The ideal candidates should have localized areas of fat or skin excess and be near their ideal desired weight. The BodyTite tummy tuck can effectively treat specific areas by shrinking and tightening the loose fibrous septa which holds the dermis to the underlying muscles.
Individuals who have large fat deposits, excessive skin sag, and weak or protuberant abdominal muscles will be better served by Dr. Shienbaum’s successful mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck procedures.
The Minimally Invasive Tummy Tuck is performed at our office facility either with local anesthesia or twilight sedation. It is an outpatient procedure with no anesthesia, opioids, or narcotics and is easily tolerated by the majority of patients. Most patients can return to relatively normal activity and work in several days. At this time there will be some residual swelling, but no drains or stitches to remove.
Dr. Shienbaum has spent years perfecting his acclaimed signature 4-D Hourglass Tummy Tuck procedure with 360 Liposculpture and Brazilian butt lift. With thousands of proven results, he now applies this same expertise and dedication to his state-of-the-art and cutting-edge Minimally Invasive Tummy Tuck. Check out the radical before and after photos of real Brandon Plastic Surgery tummy tuck patients in our photo gallery.
The technique used to slim down problem areas in the abdominal region is the key difference between the Scarless Tummy Tuck and traditional tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck surgery. Tummy tucks are surgical procedures, requiring general anesthesia, incisions, a few weeks of downtime, and a higher cost compared to the Minimally Invasive Tummy Tuck. With his vast experience using liposuction devices to help people achieve a flatter, more sculpted appearance, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Marvin Shienbaum has the skill to use liposuction to achieve results previously only had through surgery. His Scarless Tummy Tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess stubborn fat from the lower abdomen while tightening skin in the long term.
If you’re interested in the benefits a tummy tuck procedure can offer, but are wary of the scar that remains after the procedure or simply don’t want to undergo surgery, this radiofrequency liposuction procedure is the perfect way to get the results you want. Learn more about a Scarless Tummy Tuck by calling Dr. Shienbaum’s office or filling out our contact form today and get started on a journey that will give you a flat, toned abdomen.