Ashley - Brazilian Butt Lift



Ashley had Liposuction done to her inner thighs, stomach, flanks, and underarms, in addition to injections in her buttocks with help from Dr. Shienbaum.

“That’s me,” she said. “That’s actually my body. I really like it. Everything fits better. It just flows.”

Ashley commented that people could not tell she had surgery and thought she simply exercised or lost weight. She also noted that her mother commented on her hourglass shape.

“No love handles,” she said. “No big floppy stomach. Everything is perfect.”

“He was the sweetest person ever . . . I was so shy at first,” Ashley added about Shienbaum. “He made me feel welcome. Not awkward or anything. Just comfortable.”

“My waist is really small,” she said. “I love it.”

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