Male Breast Reduction and gynecomastia gland removal with Vaser ultrasonic energy
Male Breast Reduction ( gynecomastia ) with abdominal liposuction and Vaser Hi-Def contouring
Male Breast Reduction ( Gynecomastia ) with Radio- frequency In Mode skin tightening
Male Breast Reduction with Gynecomastia gland removal and Radio-frequency BodyTite In Mode skin tightening
Male Liposuction and Gynecomastia removal with Vaser Hi Def Lipo Sculpting and Radio-frequency skin tightening
Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia removal with abdominal Liposculpture and BodyTite radio frequency enhanced skin definition
Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia with upper body High Def Vaser Liposculpture and BodyTite radio frequency enhancement
Male Breast Reduction Gynecomasia with High Def Vaser Ultrasonic etching and Radio frequency skin tightening
Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia with circumferential chest and upper torso Vaser High Def sculpting and Radio frequency In Mode Body skin tightening
Male Breast Reduction – Gynecomastia with BodyTite Radiofrequency skin tightening and enhanced high def Vaser sculpting
Male Breast Reduction – Gynecomatia with High Def Vaser Ultrasonic assisted Lipo Sculpting and BodyTite Radio frequency skin tightening
Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia with circumferential Vaser Lipo Sculpture and Radiofrequency BodyTite Inmode skin tightening
38 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction surgery and abdominal Vaser liposuction for a narrowed and more defined waistline
50 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery with 360 circumferential Vaser Ultrasonic Lipo Sculpting for a contoured and slender body profile
19 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction with Vaser Ultrasonic Liposuction to contour and flatten marked breast skin redundancy
22 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Surgery with puffy nipple flattening and six pack etching of abdominal and waist musculature
18 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction puffy nipple removal and waist Vaser Lipo sculpting
51 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Breast Reduction Surgery and waist and back lipo sculpting with Vaser ultrasonic technique
50 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery and fat removal from belly flanks and chest utilizing Vaser ultrasonic assisted liposuction
23 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia and puffy nipple correction with Vaser ultrasonic Lipo Sculpting technique
22 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery and abdominal waist high definition Lipo sculpture with Vaser Ultrasound technique to create an enhanced six pack look
64 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction and puffy nipple removal with Vaser ultrasonic assisted Lipo sculpting technique
23 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction puffy nipple correction with skin retraction and flattening utilizing Vaser ultrasound.
40 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery with lipo sculpting of waist , flanks , hips thighs and back for a more slender and appealing body silhouette
45 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction and Vaser Body Lipo Sculpting to remove the offending abdominal tire fat . The Vaser ultrasonic technique is highly efficient at shrinking and flattening the excess breast skin envelope and minimizing the puffy nipple appearance,
51 y/o Men Liposuction Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction and circumferential Vaser Lipo sculpting of excess waist .chest back. flank. thigh and hip adiposity .
41 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Surgery with 360 degree fat removal of waist , chest . thighs , hips flanks and back for a more slender masculine physique.
47 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction with ultrasonic Lipo sculpting of chest , waist hips thighs and flanks utilizing Vaser technique
^4 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction with contouring of the external fat of chest, waist and flanks . Note intra-abdominal belly fat and abdominal wall distension cannot adequately be addressed with Liposuction alone.
35 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia and waist sculpting for a sleeker body outline.
54 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery with circumferential 360 upper body fat removal
40 y/o Male Tummy Tuck breast reduction abdominal panniculus removal from prior weight loss.
58 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery with puffy nipple elimination and correction of excessive loose breast skin with Vaser Ultrasonic Lipo Sculpting.
35 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia with fat, gland and skin reduction using Vaser assisted Lipo Sculpting to melt and shrink the redundant tissues.
38 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction surgery and abdominal Vaser liposuction for a narrowed and more defined waistline
33 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia and puffy nipple removal with Vaser ultrasonic liposuction . The Vaser produces a profound shrinkage and retraction of the protruding breast skin envelope.
26 y/o Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia removal and excess hanging breast skin tightening with scar less Vaser ultrasonic technique .
40 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction Surgery utilizing Vaser ultrasound to tighten droopy breast skin envelope .
58 y/o Male Gynecomastia breast reduction with excess belly fat removal and waist Lipo sculpting
28 y/o Male Liposuction Breast Reduction Surgery with high definition Vaser ultrasonic technique to accentuate abdominal musculature.
22 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction and waist contouring with Vaser Lipo sculpting . Note flattening of puffy nipples and sagging excess breast skin .
49 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia breast reduction and waist fat and flank roll removal with Vaser lipo sculpting technique
52 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Vaser ultrasonic assisted fat removal of stubborn abdominal tire and back rolls .
35 y/o Male Liposuction fat removal from waist. hips flanks and chest from a highly active and physically fit individual .
29 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia Vaser Lipo sculpting to highlight the underlying abdominus recti and serratus muscles.
51 y/o Male Liposuction Vaser Ultrasonic high definition technique to lipo sculpt stubborn belly fat down to the abdominal musculature .
24 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction with flattening and smoothing of the breast and nipple redundancies by Vaser Ultrasonic technique ,
45 y/o Male Liposuction Vaser Body Sculpting of persistent flank and waist fat deposits highly resistant to diet and exercise.
37 y/o Gynecomastia Liposuction Male Body Contouring utilizing Vaser ultrasonic Lipo sculpting to melt resistant chest and abdominal fat and allow skin retraction along natural muscle body contours
39 y/o Male Liposuction Vaser high definition body sculpting to accentuate the abdominal musculature and obliterate the protruding hip rolls and love handles .
21 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction with Vaser ultrasonic assisted skin retraction to avoid Tummy Tuck and Mastopexy type breast scars.
41 y/o Male Liposuction gynecomastia and abdominal tire removal with ultrasonic assisted Vaser liposuction.
35 y/o Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction with Vaser ultrasonic technique to shrink and flatten excess breast skin without the need for skin excision and chest scars
31 y/o Male Liposuction Gynecomastia removal with high definition Vaser Lipo sculpting of abdominal musculature. to create a six pack look.
43 y/o Male Liposuction gynecomastia with removal of love handles Abdominal fat is very difficult to diet away even for lean and physically active men.