35 y/o back fat liposuction for redundant back bra rolls with butt lift
47 y/o Back Liposuction with removal bra , back and flank rolls as a result of excess back fat
45 y/o Back Liposuction waist reduction with lipo of back rolls and flank fat
48 y/o back liposuction for redundant fat back rolls and loose skin folds
58 y/o Back liposuction for waist narrowing and removal of back. bra , and flank rolls
38 y/o back liposuction with removal of excess back fat and back rolls
31 y/o back liposuction for multiple back bra rolls and excess back fat
50 y/o Back liposuction for posterior bra and back rolls and waist cinching
50 y/o Back Liposuction for flank rolls caused by excess back and hip fat
47 y/o Back Liposuction with waist slimming , butt lift enhancement and removal of back rolls
46 y/o Back liposuction for hip rolls , muffin top and excess waist fat deposits