Treatment Options for Younger-Looking Skin

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 07/10/2018

Most everyone wants to achieve clear, youthful skin. However, as we age, our skin can become dry, dull, and pigmented. There is an array of skin procedures available to help improve your skin quality and help to make your skin look younger, including chemical peels, lasers, microneedling, and microdermabrasion. Chemical Peels- A chemical peel is

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Facelift or Botox: Which is Right for You?

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 07/05/2018

So, you are noticing some lines and wrinkles in your face, and signs of aging are becoming apparent. You may be able to benefit from a cosmetic procedure in Brandon, however, which one is right for you? Do you need a nonsurgical solution like Botox, or a more invasive option like a facelift? Read on

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What You Need to Know About the Facelift

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 07/03/2018

As we age, our skin can begin to sag, and lines and wrinkles can begin to form, making us look older than we feel. Many individuals turn to the facelift procedure in Brandon to help combat these signs of aging for comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Read on to learn more about facelift surgery and how it

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What is the Difference Between Botox and Fillers?

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/28/2018

Are you beginning to see signs of facial aging such as lines, wrinkles, or lost youthful volume in the midface? If so, you are not alone. Many people know that Botox and fillers can help them to look younger, however, many are still confused about how they differ. Read on to learn more about Botox

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Saline vs Silicone Breast Implants

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/26/2018

When deciding to receive a breast augmentation in Brandon, there are many things that you must take into consideration. One of the most important decisions that you will make is which type of breast implant you will choose. Read on to learn about the different types of implants and how they are different from each

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How Gynecomastia Affects Teens and Adults

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/21/2018

During puberty, hormonal fluctuations often cause some degree of male breast enlargement. However, this usually dissipates by the time a man reaches his 20s. However, some men may have gynecomastia, a condition in which excess glandular breast tissue causes an enlargement of the male breasts that does not naturally go away. Gynecomastia can affect both

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What is Capsular Contracture?

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/19/2018

Like all types of surgery, breast augmentation comes with some possible complications. These issues may arise in certain individuals because everyone’s body deals with breast implants differently. For example, some people may develop thicker scar tissue, while others may only develop subtle scarring. With breast augmentation, breast implants are used to increase the size of

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Tips to Care for Your Skin This Summer

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/14/2018

Summer is finally here, which calls for more beach days and more fun in the sun! However, don’t forget to take the proper steps to care for your skin when spending time outdoors! We have put together some tips on how to keep your skin looking radiant this summer. Sunscreen is a Must! UV rays

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What to Research Before a Tummy Tuck

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/12/2018

Like any plastic surgery procedure, it is important to do your research before booking a tummy tuck surgery date. Knowing what to expect from the procedure and how it is performed can help you to make the best decisions possible regarding your procedure.  Read on to learn about what you should look into regarding tummy

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What are the Different Tummy Tuck Techniques?

By Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 06/07/2018

Many people have heard of the tummy tuck procedure. This procedure helps you achieve a flatter abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. However, did you know that there are multiple tummy tuck techniques? If you are considering a tummy tuck procedure for a flatter tummy read on to learn more about your options. Full

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