What can a tummy tuck do?
The tummy tuck is one of the best ways to remove excess skin and stubborn fat after life events like pregnancy or extensive weight loss. In these cases, the underlying muscles can become stretched and ineffective at supporting your body, leading to looseness or even back pain. In many cases, these concerns don’t respond to diet and exercise, leaving many patients frustrated.
Will a tummy tuck give me an hourglass figure?
People who are healthy but feel like they have lost their waistline are often looking for a way to get a better figure. Women often experience this frustration after they have children or if they have lost a lot of weight. Although a tummy tuck can be a great option, it’s most effective when paired with breast augmentation or fat transfer to the buttocks to create an hourglass figure. Additionally, liposuction can help refine the surrounding areas for enhanced contours and greater projection in your favorite areas. This is one of Dr. Shienbaum’s signature procedures and produces stunning results.
Your natural figure will factor into your final shape
It’s important to go into your procedure with realistic expectations. Your plastic surgeon should be skilled in working with your existing figure to enhance it rather than change it outright. The tummy tuck can provide a better waistline, but you shouldn’t expect Kardashian curves without some additional techniques. For this reason, it’s important to listen to your plastic surgeon’s recommendations on what you can reasonably achieve with a tummy tuck and fat transfer procedures.
Schedule a Consultation
If you’re ready to enhance your figure with a tummy tuck, it’s time to consider a plastic surgeon. At Brandon Plastic Surgery, Dr. Marvin Shienbaum has more than 30 years of experience helping people achieve their best look. He has an innovative and comprehensive plastic surgery experience and is considered a Top Plastic Surgeon. He won America’s Most Honored Professionals awards from the American Registry in 2017 and 2018. To get started and schedule a consultation for your tummy tuck options, contact our Brandon office by calling or filling out our online form.