Liposuction can be used to eliminate stubborn fat almost anywhere on the body. If you are bothered by the appearance of bra bulges or back rolls, you may want to consider back liposuction near Tampa, FL.

What is Back Liposuction?

Back liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that can remove bra rolls and fat bulges on the upper, middle, and lower back. Back liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia in our accredited surgical center. During the procedure, a thin tube called a cannula will be inserted under the skin through a tiny incision. The cannula is moved back and forth to break up the unwanted fat deposits and then the fat cells are removed with a suction-like device. Since new fat cells cannot be formed in the body, the results are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

What Are the Benefits of Back Liposuction?

Back liposuction is the most effective way to eliminate fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. After back liposuction, patients can expect a more toned back with better muscle definition. This helps many men and women feel more confident wearing fitted tops, bathing suits, and bras.

Who is a Candidate for Back Liposuction?

Before receiving any type of liposuction, patients should be within 15-20 lbs of their weight goal. Liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss surgery. Patients in overall good health who have localized pockets of stubborn fat can benefit the most from this surgical procedure. If you are bothered by the appearance of back rolls and have not had success with exercise, you may be a great candidate for back liposuction!

Treatments You Can Combine with Back Liposuction

Back liposuction can be combined with many other body contouring and skin rejuvenating procedures. Build on your results and customize your surgery with the following procedures at Brandon Plastic Surgery:

Arm Lift

An arm lift also uses liposuction to remove excess fat from the upper arms. Skin excision is also utilized to remove hanging skin caused by weight loss or natural aging. This hanging skin creates the appearance of “bat wings” and is often just as much of a concern as back fat.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Achieve multiple cosmetic goals in one treatment by combining back liposuction with a Brazilian butt lift. Fat that is removed from the back can be transferred to the buttocks to enhance the projection and contour of your backside.

Breast Augmentation

A fat transfer can also be used for natural breast augmentation! If you are concerned about breast implants or want a less invasive breast augmentation, fat that is removed during a back liposuction procedure can be transferred to the chest.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you ready to transform your body and achieve more confidence in your look? Schedule a consultation today with our team of board-certified plastic surgeons at Brandon Plastic Surgery to develop a customized treatment plan for back liposuction.