Liposuction is an excellent way to shape your body in ways you couldn’t achieve with diet and exercise. When seeking liposuction surgery, it’s always important to find a board-certified plastic surgeon near Riverview, FL, and consider a few things to get the best results possible.

  1. Be close to your ideal weight –

    It’s important to address that liposuction should never be sought for a weight loss procedure. It should only be thought of as a contouring procedure to eliminate troubling areas of fat. It’s fitting that you be within 5 to 10 pounds of your goal weight before liposuction surgery. The best liposuction results come from individuals who are frustrated at their workout routine and diet, and desire a little more help with stubborn fat.

  2. Focus on isolated fat –

    If you are noticing pockets of isolated fat, commonly seen in the thighs or lower abdomen, liposuction can help significantly get the body you love! Liposuction technology has advanced with new techniques, such as VASER liposuction in Brandon, FL, which make it easier and less damaging to get rid of deep fatty bulges. Some other common areas include the flanks, love handles, and for men, deposits in the chest (also called gynecomastia reduction surgery).

  3. Understand the condition of your skin –

    Liposuction only addresses excess fatty tissue, and can truly achieve your body goals. However, there will probably be lax skin located over the fatty deposit that you would like to eliminate. Although some skin retracts back to the smaller version of your body, some skin is left as excess, especially if you’ve recently undergone massive weight loss or pregnancy. Ultimately, it depends on the quality and quantity of your skin. If you see excess skin, other procedures may help remedy this issue.

With these three simple tips, your liposuction results are sure to be everything you’ve been working towards! If you’re interested in body contouring, or perfecting the already-fit body you have, contact Brandon Plastic Surgery today for your consultation with Dr. Shienbaum.