One of the most common questions we get from breast augmentation patients is regarding the longevity of their breast implants. Breast implants can last for many years but if you are considering having them redone, it’s important to understand all your options.
Understanding Your Breast Implant Options
Breast augmentation is a popular procedure for women who want to enhance the size of their breasts or improve breast asymmetry. At Brandon Plastic Surgery, we specialize in breast augmentation and have many different breast implant options to meet each patient’s unique goals. We offer saline implants, silicone implants, and the newer gummy bear implants. At your consultation with Dr. Shienbaum, he will also make recommendations for the size of your implants, based on your surgical goals and body type.
When Do Breast Implants Have to be Redone?
Breast implants last an average of 10-15 years, but this timeline can vary. Implant rupture or leakage is a potential risk of breast augmentation and if it occurs, the implants will have to be redone sooner. An earlier breast revision can also be considered for women who want to increase or decrease the size of their implants.
Patients in need of breast implant revision have two options at Brandon Plastic Surgery:
Breast Implant Replacement
Breast implant replacement is a great option for women who want to change the size of their implants or restore their breast enhancement results after implant rupture. The type of implant (saline or silicone) can also be switched if your preference has changed. A breast lift can be included with breast implant replacement if the breasts have been affected by natural aging or weight fluctuations.
Breast Implant Removal
Some women want to remove their breast implants without replacing them and this can be easily done at any time after a breast augmentation procedure. If the breast implants are removed, many patients choose to have a breast lift since the lack of implants can leave behind excess, stretched, or sagging tissues. Dr. Shienbaum will ensure that the natural look of your breasts is restored by carefully lifting and restructuring the existing breast tissue.
Schedule a Consultation
To learn more about breast implant revision or replacement in Tampa, FL, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Shienbaum, one of Florida’s Top 10 Plastic Surgeons. At your consultation, he can discuss your breast implant options in greater detail and will develop a treatment plan that carefully considers your individual goals.