How painful is Breast Augmentation?

Most of the pain following breast augmentation arises from detaching and elevating the pectoral muscles. This allows a space for insertion of the implants. The discomfort can be minimized by a gentle surgical technique which avoids trauma to the underlying rib peritoneum. Dr. Shienbaum administers a long-acting block of local bupivacaine (Marcaine) anesthetic which will last for several hours and minimize the need for post-op pain medications. Your degree of pain, both in duration and severity, will vary with your individual tolerance and perception. Having performed thousands of breast augmentations for over a 30 year period, Dr. Shienbaum has developed his technique to allow the most comfortable experience possible. He can inform you about what you can expect during your procedure in the Tampa, FL area.

Are Breast Implants safe if I have an auto Immune disease?

Most doctors in the Tampa area now agree that breast implants neither cause autoimmune disease nor make the condition worse. However, the medications taken to suppress the autoimmune disease symptoms may increase the risk of infection and delay healing. The FDA found that women with breast implants had no greater incidence of immune disorders than women without implants. It is highly questionable that removal of breast implants will make your existing autoimmune disease disappear. There is simply no convincing evidence that associates breast implants with autoimmune disease.

How will pregnancy affect my Breast Implants?

Pregnancy will not damage the shape or integrity of your breast implants. However, the rapid expansion and stretching of breast tissues, lactation, breastfeeding, and hormonal influences may change the surrounding breast tissue characteristics. Stretch marks and ptosis (sagging), areola discoloration, and breast atrophy (volume loss) are the most frequent concerns following pregnancy. One side may be affected more and result in uneven and asymmetrical breasts. Breast ptosis can be readily corrected by a breast lift, which elevates the breast tissue back to its normal position. Stretch marks (striae) are more difficult to address. Ultimately, your individual genetics play the dominant role in determining the appearance of your breasts following pregnancy.

At what age am I too old for Breast Augmentation?

There is no specific age that prohibits breast augmentation. Rather, it is your medical health and ability to safely undergo surgery which are the most important considerations. Serious medical issues, such as labile hypertension, advanced diabetes, lung compromise, and coronary artery disease require careful evaluation of the potential risks. According to The American Society for Aesthetic Surgery, nearly 11 % of women undergoing breast enlargements are over 50 years of age. And many older women will want their aging implants replaced rather than removed. Your chronological age should not be the deciding factor in cosmetic surgery. It is a highly personal decision, and your health, safety, and self-perception are ultimately what matters most. In Tampa, FL, patients of many different ages opt for breast augmentation.

How can I reduce pain after my breast augmentation?

Select a surgeon who has lots of experience with breast augmentation, and performs precise and delicate surgery, avoiding trauma to the underlying ribs and surrounding tissues. Going under the muscle is always more painful, as well as selecting large implants that push against and irritate the adjacent nerves. Ask your surgeon about instilling long-acting local anesthetics during surgery and the use of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants. An early return to normal arm movements and exercise helps relieve tightness and discomfort.

Can asymmetrical breasts be augmented?

Bras are measured in two dimensions– the cup size and the body circumference around the rib cage. Implants are volumetrically sized in CCs, or cubic centimeters. It takes approximately 200 CCs to create one full cup bra size increase. Because of differing bra styles and manufacturer patterns, the dimensions of a particular cup size are not necessarily uniform. Some women may prefer a tight and revealing cup while others desire full cup coverage. Plastic surgeons are therefore reluctant to predict a particular cup size after augmentation.

What is the most common breast implant size?

The most popular size for breast implants is between 350 to 400 cc.

What are gummy bear implant?

The term “gummy bear” is a nickname for these teardrop-shaped, gel-based implants. They’re known to retain their shape better than other types of breast implants made from saline and silicone.

What are Natrelle breast implants?

The Natrelle® Collection includes both textured and smooth implants. Smooth implants are used in the majority of breast augmentation surgeries, and the implants are able to move after they are implanted in women. Textured implants have a rough outer surface that prevents the implant from moving freely after it is implanted.

How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?

If you have saline implants, a leak is very obvious because the implanted breast gets smaller. If you have silicone, its harder to tell without doing an MRI to detect silicone leakage.

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture may be barely noticeable, or severe enough to greatly impact your quality of life. Capsular contracture is graded by the Baker scale and follows these criteria: Grade I: The breast is soft and appears normal, and the capsule is flexible. Grade II: The breast looks normal, but is somewhat hard to the touch.

What is a subfascial Breast Augmentation?

Unlike a standard submuscular (under the muscle) breast augmentation, the implants is paced under the fascia and breast tissue. This approach is the most popular and reduces both post operative pain and recovery time. Patients are typically allowed to return to work 3 to 5 days following surgery.

Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

Most women who have breast implants are still able to breast feed. However, the location of the incision may increase the risk of cutting milk ducts and nerves. This is typically through an areola incision. The size and placement of breast implants can also interfere with milk production. Under the muscle vs under glandular tissue is a good option for women who wish to breastfeed

Can I move my arms after breast augmentation?

You can move your arms after breast augmentation, but you shouldnt raise your hands over your head or carry anything heavy for the first three weeks or more.