Breast Lift Mastopexy with crescent hidden scar lift and 325 cc silicone implants
Breast Lift Auto correction of asymmetrical aging deflated empty breasts with natural enhancement
Breast Lift Areolar minimal Scar Mastopexy with silicone breast implant enhancement
Donut Breast Lift Mastopexy for correction of uneven sagging & deflated breasts
Breast lift. It was accomplished by natural, self-augmentation mastopexy without breast implants.
29 y/o Breast lift and augmentation mastopexy. It used 260 CC silicone breast implants.
34 y/o Breast lift and natural internal augmentation mastopexy. It used abdominal, flank, and back Liposuction.
33 y/o Breast lift. It used 300 CC silicone implants and abdominoplasty with Vaser Liposuction muscle sculpting.
41 y/o Breast lift and augmentation mastopexy with 325 silicone breast implants.
25 y/o Breast lift with mastopexy augmentation with 280 CC silicone breast implants.
43 y/o breast augmentation with 300 CC silicone implants and full mastopexy breast lift.
31 y/o Breast lift. It used vertical technique and internal breast augmentation enhancement.
22 y/o Breast lift. It used 335 CC silicone implants, and abdominoplasty with Vaser Lipo body sculpting.
33 y/o Breast lift and tummy tuck. It used 375 CC silicone breast implants and repaired a herniated belly button.
35 y/o Breast lift and augmentation mastopexy. It used 285 CC silicone breast implant, and waist and back Liposuction.
35 y/o Breast lift and augmentation mastopexy. It used 285 CC silicone breast implant and waist and back Liposuction.
36 y/o breast augmentation in sub facial plane with 285 cc implant
Breast augmentation by # 1 breast implant surgeon Tampa Bay Brandon Florida
29 y/o breast augmentation with 400 cc saline saltwater breast implants
breast augmentation thru underarm ( transaxillary ) approach with 325 cc breast implants
38 y/o breast augmentation smooth round silicone implants in sub glandular position
37 y/o breast augmentation with 360 cc round smooth silicone implants
34 y/o breast augmentation or ” boob job ” with 360 cc silicone implants
31 y/o Breast enhancement by one of the most experienced breast augmentation surgeons in Tampa St Pete
29 y/o premier breast augmentation with natural results using 300 cc silicone round smooth implants
39 y/o breast augmentation with sub pectoral 385 cc silicone implants
34 y/o breast augmentation with periareolar hidden scar crescent breast lift
breast augmentation with 320 cc smooth shell silicone breast implants
34 y/o breast augmentation 330 cc implants with invisible scar breast lift
29 y/o breast augmentation by one of the best breast augmentation surgeons in Tampa Fl
57 y/o breast augmentation with 400 cc sub glandular silicone implants
23 y/o breast augmentation with high profile implants for maximum cleavage
30 y/o breast augmentation by accomplished Tampa Bay breast implant specialist
31 y/o breast augmentation with 300 cc smooth walled silicone implants
47 y/o breast augmentation following breast sag & deflation after pregnancy
27 y/o with 360 cc silicone implant breast augmentation for large nipple areola
25 y/o breast augmentation with 325 cc silicone “gummy bear ” implants
23 y/o breast augmentation with 285 cc cohesive gel silicone implants
breast augmentation moderate profile implants port charlotte punta gorda fl
30 y/o augmentation mammoplasty with 320 cc silicone breast implants
30 y/o breast augmentation with 365 cc smooth non textured implants
27 y/o breast augmentation with 325 cc sub muscular silicone implants
37 y/o breast augmentation with 400 cc high profile implants for maximum projection
41 y/o premier breast augmentation with 345 cc silicone breast implants
25 y/o breast augmentation with non – textured safe smooth implants
27 y/o breast augmentation via trans axillary ( arm pit ) approach
37 y/o breast augmentation post breast feeding deflation and atrophy
33 y/o breast augmentation for narrow constricted and elongated breasts
51 y/o breast augmentation with 300 cc implants via peri areolar incision
Breast augmentation with 360 cc silicone teardrop shaped breast implants
39 y/o breast augmentation with 300 cc naturally contoured breast implants
34 y/o breast augmentation with 360 cc smooth round silicone implants
59 y/o breast augmentation revision with breast implant exchange for deflated left breast saline implant
49 y/o Breast Augmentation revision with breast implant exchange to from saline to 385 cc silicone implants implants
57 y/o breast augmentation revision – redo with implant exchange for sub- muscular capsule contraction and animation deformity
46 y/o breast augmentation revision / redo for severe grade 4 capsular contraction with implant 360 cc silicone exchange
25 y/o breast augmentation revision – redo – with larger 360 cc silicone breast implants
32 y/o breast augmentation revision with breast lift ( mastopexy ) and 350 cc silicone implants
34 y/o breast augmentation revision with breast implant exchange for larger 360 cc implants
56 y/o Breast Enlargement with 260 CC silicone breast implants via subglandular placement with periareolar approach.
54 y/o Breast Implants with 300 CC silicone breast implants via submammary technique with subpectoral placement.
51 y/o Breast Enhancement via cohesive gummy bear like implant to achieve submuscular placement.
47 y/o Breast Implants Plastic Surgery with 325 CC silicone implants via subpectoral placement.
47 y/o Breast Augmentation. Placement of implants via submuscular and inframammary approach.
46 y/o Breast Enhancement surgery with 500 CC Breast Implants via subglandular placement and periareolar lift technique.
45 y/o Breast Implants cosmetic surgery with 350 CC saline breast implants placed by periareolar nipple elevation technique.
44 y/o -Breast Enlargement with 325 CC silicone Breast Implants to achieve a fuller breast.
41 y/o Breast Enhancement placed subglandular and submammary approach.
39 y/o Breast Implants. Breast Augmentation by 260 CC silicone breast implants.
37 y/o Breast Enhancement via subglandular position and inframammary incision.
36 y/o Breast Augmentation; Periareolar technique with above muscle placement
35 y/o Breast Enlargement by subpectoral placement of 400 CC silicone gummy bear implants.
34 y/o Breast Enhancement with 380 CC saline breast implants with periareolar nipple uplift technique.
34 y/o Breast Implants via periareolar mastopexy and submuscular placement.
32 y/o Breast Implant plastic surgery. Breast Augmentation with subpectoral placement.
31 y/o Breast Augmentation surgery of 450 CC gummy bear gel implants.
31 y/o Breast Enhancement with 325 CC cohesive gel breast implants.
30 y/o Breast Enhancement of 285 CC silicone breast implants. Approach is inframammary with subpectoral placement.
32 y/o Breast augmentation ; used 450 CC saline implants via transaxillary incisions.
34 y/o Breast augmentation in used 380 CC saline breast implants placed via axillary approach.
30 y/o Breast augmentation; used 325 CC cohesive silicone gel breast implants in the submuscular plane.
27 y/o Breast augmentation, used 450 CC silicone breast implants placed via submammary incisions.
31 y/o Breast augmentation in- used 400 CC saline breast implants in subpectoral pocket.
23 y/o Breast augmentation-used 325 CC silicone breast implants in subpectoral position.
31 y/o Breast augmentation , used 350 CC silicone breast implants with submuscular placement.
25 y/o Breast augmentation – used 375 CC cohesive gel silicone breast implants in submuscular pocket.
38 y/o Breast augmentation, used 360 CC silicone breast implants via periareolar incision.
28 y/o Breast Implants via submammary incision and subpectoral placement technique to reduce rippling in thin patients.
28 y/o Breast Implants placed under the muscle and submammary approach with 450 CC silicone implants.
26 y/o Breast Implants via submuscular placement, 375 CC silicone Breast Augmentation
24 y/o Breast Augmentation with 415 CC implants placed in the subpectoral pocket and a submammary incision.
24 y/o Breast Augmentation with 325 CC silicone breast implants via submammary placement.